Ray J. Green

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What matters most is the decision making process, not the results

If a drunk driver makes it home safe, was driving a good decision?

Should they repeat something based on the outcome?

This is the fallacy of a "results-only" sales culture, or any culture...

Annie Duke, a professional poker player & strategist, presents the drunk driving example in her book, Thinking In Bets.

It's a great example of how a myopic focus on results can drive shitty decision making.

Results matter. But they aren't ALL that matter.

They aren't even what matter most.

What matters most is the process or system that led to the decision.

Good decisions can have bad results.

Bad decisions can have good results.

Just like hands in poker.

The result is feedback - or data - for the decision making process, which is what really affects the long-term trajectory of a team or business.

Building a culture that invests more in making smarter decision making processes or systems creates more value for a business than building one focused only on short-term results.