Our podcast is live!

Today is the day.

We lined up a few podcasts for our launch.

And now we have!

Our first few episodes are now LIVE.

I have three incredible people with some incredible insights to start us off.

And now we'll be up with new episodes regularly.

Our first few interviews are with:

  • Rick Corcoran - a very important mentor and advisor to me as well as some very influential CEOs and leaders I respect and admire.

  • Paul Daniels - CRO at Intelligent Contacts, incredible leader, and a very creative strategist with some unique perspectives we talk about on the show.

  • Bob Perkins - also an important mentor to me, brilliant marketer from the C-Suite of household names and politics, startup advisor, and COO at Britepool.

Please drop in to have a listen, subscribe, rate, and review:

We’d love to hear your feedback!


Sometimes your job is to let it burn


Leadership and courage