The benefits and drawbacks of having a bias for action

I was recently told that a strength of mine was:

“…a stronger bias for action than anyone I’ve met.”

Interesting. That also happens to be my biggest weakness.

As business owners and a-type executives, we:

- Are decisive
- Move quickly
- Get shit done

Many, many, many times this has served me well.

It helped me be first to market in the first business I started and sold.

It helped me lead the turnaround of businesses and several business units.

It helped me tackle grad school, while running a business, with an 18 mo. old and pregnant wife.


The bias to DO can also lead to:

- Not planning thoroughly enough
- Having to change course more than necessary
- Whiplash and exhaustion with supporting teams

There’s nothing wrong with having a bias towards action.

So long as it is balanced with taking time to...

STOP long enough to PLAN actions strategically.

Building a strategy to align execution is like sharpening the knife before cutting.

It allows us to FULLY leverage that bias towards action.

And ensures we are PRODUCTIVE, not just ACTIVE.


Leadership is about owning your actions


7 Stoic quotes to make you a better entrepreneur.