RR#066 Lack Of Congruency Is Costing You Sales

Sitting in 3 different C-Suite roles - Chief Sales Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, and Chief Executive Officer - has led to some strong opinions on one thing in particular: congruency.

“Congruency” is one of those words that gets tossed around in business circles so much that it loses its power. Right up there with “synergy.” 🤮

But when it comes to growing your business, congruency is more than a buzzword. It’s a huge factor in how much your prospects trust you and how many people buy from you.

You see the power of congruency with brands all the time.

Imagine walking into the Apple Store and being met by someone in a suit and tie. Or getting someone who’s an a-hole when you call Zappos’ customer service.

Congruency is about creating harmony between the channels your potential clients are interacting with. And there’s no place that congruency is more important than between marketing and sales.

When marketing and sales are in sync, you have great music. When they aren’t, you have shoes in a dryer.

An example of this may be how your unique selling proposition is communicated. If your marketing is positioning you as a high-end, exclusive service provider but your sales process instantly discounts prices at the first sign of resistance, there’s dissonance.

The result? Confusion, distrust, and lost sales.

Similarly, if your marketing strategy is based on sharing deep expertise and positioning your business as the go-to experts, you’re going to confuse people if your salesperson doesn’t know things you’ve taught your prospect on social media.

The importance of congruency between marketing and sales extends to how you describe what you do, what problems you solve, and how you solve them.

So, how do you get marketing and sales to sing off the same hymn sheet?

It starts with aligning the two. For example:

  • Create frameworks to describe how you work and use them consistently in both your marketing and sales call.

  • Ensure how you describe your audience and the problems you solve are consistent in content and sales scripts.

  • Design your marketing and sales funnels together to make sure they have the same look, feel, font, style, and voice.

And look at the areas where marketing and sales are connected to ensure the prospect’s experience is consistent.

Those may be lead forms and the calls people get right after they download if you run a process like that. Or, it may be the pre-call sequence prospects go through in your sales process.

What’s that, you don’t have a pre-call sequence for prospects in your sales process?

Just dropped a video on how that pre-call sequence can warm up prospects, prepare your salesperson for the call, and drive dramatically higher conversion rates.

Watch full video

P.S. - Wanna take it on the road? Tune in on Repeatable Revenue Podcast here.


RR#067 Multiply Revenue By Subtracting Yourself From The Sales Process


RR#065 One-to-One Coaching Is Stunting Your Business