The 5 things that are the real drivers of change in sales

"Fixing sales" often has nothing to do with the sales department.

Driving more sales is very often a matter of:

1. Getting the value proposition right.

  • Hard to sell something people don't want.

2. Getting marketing right.

  • Hard to sell something no one knows about.

3. Getting operations right.

  • Hard to sell something that breaks or never shows up.

4. Getting support right.

  • Hard to keep selling things when customers complain.

5. Getting culture right.

  • Hard to keep good salespeople in a subpar environment.

Sales techniques, tactics, and practices are important.

Critically important, no doubt.

But sales is a lagging indicator.

It tells you what the results are of far more than a sales department.

If the whole system isn't designed to work well together...

You end up rowing in different directions.

To different destinations.

Diagnosing the SOURCE of the problem is critical...

Unless playing whac-a-mole with problems in your office is fun.


Our operating principles, defined.


Change is not a guarantee for success