RR#087 Health is Wealth: Here’s Why

Hola, Business Builders!

Welcome to this week's issue of Repeatable Revenue. Set aside about 3 minutes for this read.

Last week, while flying home from Miami, I heard the attendant recite the standard pre-flight script:

"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down from the panel above you... If you are traveling with children or someone who requires assistance, secure your own mask first, and then assist the other person."

Ever thought, “Isn’t it selfish to put on my mask first while granny next to me struggles with hers?”

Well, think of it this way – a person who’s alive and alert is better equipped to help others.

This principle applies beyond the confines of an airplane.

If you aren’t taking care of yourself, it’s much harder to take care of others.

Entrepreneurs often neglect their well-being, both mental and physical, in the hustle of business life.

Morning Zoom calls replace the morning routine you envisioned.

Urgent calls disrupt your plans to hit the gym.

You skip meals and resort to fast food while racing against client deadlines.

Constant connectivity, skipped vacations, and canceled personal plans are the norms, as everyone else's needs come before your own.

Here’s the reality: To be selfless, you first need to be a bit selfish.

Just like on a plane, everyone benefits when you're at your best.

If you’re exhausted, burning out, and running on fumes, you can't offer your best – neither at home nor at work.

And let's face it – neglecting your health is a one-way ticket to serious problems down the line.

Yesterday, I released a video on this topic, where I discuss:

  • The direct impact of your health on your business.

  • A client's success story highlighting this connection.

  • Three practical ways to build healthier habits.

Watch it here:


RR#088 How To Charge Premium Rates (And How Not To)


RR#086 The Price You (And Your Clients) Pay For Undercharging