RR#070 You’re Not Being Narcissistic

You can’t get enough social proof. Period.


You should try to capture every piece of positive feedback you get about your product, service, and business, especially if you are in the startup phase.


You probably already know that every testimonial, compliment, and published win is a great asset to use for marketing. They make great social media posts. They look good on websites. They reaffirm decisions on booking pages.


They even reinforce existing clients’ decisions to work with us.


So, from a sales, marketing, and client success standpoint, they work.


But there’s another reason I recommend clients collect and save as much social proof as possible, and that’s to raise the morale of everyone in your business.


Including yours.


Being the founder of a service business often means having an emotional attachment to your clients’ outcomes.


I’m not talking about an unhealthy attachment to client outcomes. I’m talking about caring when they win and lose. That’s perfectly normal, and it’s good to care.


But it also means you may have some ups and downs based on their outcomes. When your clients are having a rough time, that often carries over to you. And sometimes, you may even start to doubt yourself.


That’s when a little book of wins comes in handy. To reflect on the wins, the successes, the times your clients crush it.


And that puts you in the right mindset to show up for that next coaching call, client delivery meeting, or even sales call. Which contributes to creating more wins.


It does the same thing for your team.


A client of mine shares client emails, testimonials, and comments with her entire team of 50+ people when they come through. Why? Because she knows people like doing work that matters. When they see clients win, they feel a sense of accomplishment.


So, when you see wins come through your inbox, social media, client channels, or anywhere else, snap a screenshot, share it, and save it for later.


This is especially important to share with anyone selling your services.


Sales is about the transference of emotion. Of belief. Of conviction. If the person selling your services is anything less than 100% sure of your company’s ability to deliver on the promise you are making, you are losing sales.


I just dropped a YouTube Video about this very subject - the importance of selling the salesperson - and shared a creative way I did that once with a team of mine.


Watch full video

P.S. - Wanna take it on the road? Tune in on Repeatable Revenue Podcast here.


RR#071 3 Unconventional Tips For Hiring Rockstar Salespeople (Founders, Pay Attention)


RR#069 1 Simple Principle to Navigate Your Business Decisions