TT#059 Boost Client Sales 40% With This Essential Tool

If you’re selling services online, you need a proper funnel.

That’s true whether you’re selling legal services, business consulting, or online courses.

It’s true whether you’re taking 2 sales calls a month or have a sales team taking 20 sales calls a day.

And it’s true whether you have an inbound or an outbound model.

“Funnels” are typically associated with generating leads. And a funnel can certainly help you do that. But a proper funnel goes far beyond capturing emails and phone numbers for your sales system.

If you do it right, a funnel can reshape your entire sales process and help you capture, measure, and nurture leads through the process.

Think about it this way: You reach out to connect with 100 new people each week on LinkedIn as part of an outbound campaign.

  • 80 view your profile.

  • 40 accept your connection request.

  • 20 respond to your initial message.

  • 1 books a call.

If you don’t have a proper funnel set up, you have 1 person that’s opted in to your sales and marketing ecosystem. Maybe you have a system to scrape or capture a bunch of others, but you only have 1 person that’s really opted in to engage with you.

If you do have a proper funnel set up, you’ll have some strategic assets available for your audience to opt in and access. It could be a tutorial, an e-book, or a free training to solve their most pressing problem. If you've done it right, there's one other group of people from the 100 new people on LinkedIn.

  • 80 people view your profile.

  • 40 accept your connection request.

  • 20 respond to your initial message.

  • 4 opt in to your funnel.

  • 1 person books a call.

You now have 5 people in your sales and marketing ecosystem instead of 1. That may not seem like a game changer for a week of outreach, but consider this:

1: These people are at different stages in the buying journey.

In both scenarios, you capture the 1 person who was already interested enough to book a call. But without a funnel, you miss out on 4 other people who weren't ready to buy today, but could be in the future.

When you’re selling high ticket services, there's a buying journey with different stages. And some people just need more time to make a purchase. They may need to to learn more from you, see more social proof, or feel the "pain" a little while longer before they take action.

But for any product or service, the universe of people who are "interested" in buying is always larger than the universe of people "ready to buy" right now.

A funnel allows you to capture that larger universe and nurture them through the process.

2: These gains will compound over time and make sales easier.

The extra 4 people in the funnel may not seem all that significant at first. But play those numbers all the way out.

Assume a few pretty reasonable things:

  • You’re doing this outreach every week and the numbers stay consistent.

  • The service being sold amounts to $50,000 per client.

  • Just 10% of the new contacts in the funnel will even book a call at some point in the future. (That number should be higher with the right sorrows, but we’ll play it conservative.)

  • 40% of people who book a call will buy.

The extra sales calls coming from just 10% of the leads in the funnel amounts to a whopping 40% gain in total sales.

In the above example, it's the difference between $1 million a year in sales and $1.45 million.

And consider this: The funnel also keeps sales calls efficient. People who are just window shopping have other assets to engage with before booking a sales call with you or your salesperson.

The higher the volume, the more money this represents. But even if you're getting just 4 leads a week, the numbers still add up.

Build a funnel to build your business. It doesn’t have to be a cheesy or complex funnel. It just needs some essential ingredients. Check out my write up on the 3 must have ingredients in your marketing funnel here.

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