RR#078 I hate sales

I hate sales.


That’s what someone I was talking to recently told me when I suggested they go into sales to make the kind of money they wanted to make.


Listen, know no one gets this more than me.


I have some friends that were born to sell. They just have a gift.


Believe me when I tell you that wasn’t my experience.


I’ve always been more introverted than extroverted. And persuading people to buy something felt… wrong.


It felt like my job was to convince people to give me money for something they didn’t want or need so I could make a few bucks.


And frankly, that’s what I was doing when I got started in sales. One of my first sales jobs was selling knockoff perfumes and colognes in California parking lots.


Between that and some telemarketing jobs hustling other crap people didn’t really want or need, I was just trying to convince people to give me money so I could keep a piece of it.


So it’s no wonder I had a pretty low view of what “sales” was.


That was until I joined a professional sales team selling something I truly believed in.


When I started selling something I really believed in, I was no longer convincing people to do something I felt deep down they shouldn’t do. I was convincing people to do what I believed, with every fiber of my being, was in their best interest.


And that conviction came through in my voice. My tone. My attitude. My willingness to challenge them when they said no. My level of comfort in asking them to give me money.


When we’re selling something - an idea, vision, widget, service, anything at all - we are transferring our emotion to someone else.


If the emotion we have is guilt, we project that. If the emotion we have is conviction, we project that as well.


To flip your mindset about 'sales,' only build and sell things you truly believe in. Because if know what you’re selling genuinely improves someone’s life, you’re letting them down by not selling.


But here’s the thing: a mindset of “hating sales” actually holds you back more than you think. In your business, and in life.


Shifting my mindset around sales completely changed my life. And that’s not an understatement.


I recorded a video talking about that mindset shift and the impact it had on me.

Watch full video. Hope it helps.

P.S. - Wanna take it on the road? Tune in on Repeatable Revenue Podcast here.


RR#079 The Hiring Conundrum: Your Questions Answered


RR#077 Why You Feel Busy but Unproductive—And How to Fix It