RR#077 Why You Feel Busy but Unproductive—And How to Fix It

You wake up and immediately check your email. Click through a few emails and add a few tasks to your mental to-do list.


Next, you open Slack. Client questions pile up, so you answer a few and mark the rest unread for later.


A quick social media check—oops, there goes 17 minutes.


Time to officially start the day. You post content and dive into your engagement routine—liking, commenting, and juggling multiple platforms.


As you switch between tasks—email, Slack, social media—you have a nagging feeling there was something you were supposed to get done.


You go back to your email, scanning for that forgotten task. Five emails in, you finally remember why you opened your inbox in the first place.


Before you know it, the day wraps up, leaving you asking, "What did I actually get done today?"


Sound even remotely familiar? We hear this a lot, especially from founders flying solo or in the early stages of team building.


You might chalk this up to poor time management. I see it as a focus issue.


Without a laser-sharp focus on the big priorities that will move your business forward, you end up aimlessly drifting, letting external channels dictate your to-do list.


And letting days, weeks, or even years and months go by without any meaningful progress in the business.


Being reactive won't cut it. No wonder "Be Proactive" is Stephen Covey's first of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. (If you haven't read it, grab a copy.)


That's why clients in our Scale Program kick off with The Founder Focus System™—our proven strategy to pinpoint high-impact tasks, complemented by a weekly accountability system.


Drawing from my experience with OKRs and top-notch productivity systems, we also require founders to complete a time audit. This identifies how much time can be allocated to those game-changing tasks, and where it’ll come from.


You don't need to be a client to benefit from a solid time audit.


Want to DOUBLE your productivity with a time audit? I got you. Watch this step-by-step video I've recorded for you.


Watch full video

P.S. - Wanna take it on the road? Tune in on Repeatable Revenue Podcast here.


RR#078 I hate sales


RR#076 Don't Be a Founder Who Regrets Their Choices