RR#072 This Employee Mindset May Be Stunting Your Business

Your mindset shapes your actions.


One common mistake new entrepreneurs often make is expecting the actions that worked for them as employees to yield the same results as entrepreneurs.


That’s because they’re using an "employee mindset" rather than an "entrepreneur mindset."


Entrepreneurial thinking usually involves being more comfortable with taking risks, dealing with uncertainty, and viewing failure as a necessary step in the process of creating something new.


Entrepreneurs also adapt more readily to changes, making choices with incomplete information, and dealing with unpredictable situations.


For employees, risk, uncertainty, and failure often lead to reprimands or being made the scapegoat of less courageous colleagues. And working in a large organization usually means being protected from rapid changes and having to make decisions without a lot of input from others.


Of all the differences between entrepreneurial and employee mindsets, one stands out as the most limiting for employees transitioning to entrepreneurship.


And that is in how you create value for the people paying you.


Creating value as an employee is fundamentally different from creating value as an entrepreneur serving a client or customer.


In my YouTube video this week, I break down what I mean and how you can avoid the trap of the “employee mindset” in your new venture.


It’s less than 5 minutes, but could change how you position yourself and your business entirely.


Watch full video.

P.S. - Wanna take it on the road? Tune in on Repeatable Revenue Podcast here.


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