RR#075 Add A Zero To Your Service Business

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: productizing your services is the key to scaling your business to seven and eight figures.


It simplifies everything.


By productizing, your marketing becomes clearer and more effective in attracting your ideal clients because you can clearly communicate what your service does and who it is for.


Selling what you do also becomes easier with consistent pricing, deliverables, and benefits.


And productizing breaks you free from the hourly rate trap and helps you overcome revenue plateaus. As you refine your processes, the services you deliver become easier, faster, and better. That means you can charge more for something that takes less time to execute.


A couple of weeks ago, I shared a video explaining what I mean by "productizing."


This week, I'm sharing the how of productizing services.


This process has been instrumental in building my own business and has successfully helped 70 other founders and agencies grow theirs.


I created for you, providing a step-by-step framework here.

Watch full video

P.S. - Wanna take it on the road? Tune in on Repeatable Revenue Podcast here.


RR#076 Don't Be a Founder Who Regrets Their Choices


RR#074 Solopreneurs: Are You Building a Business or a Job?