RR#074 Solopreneurs: Are You Building a Business or a Job?

Most of us start our solopreneur journey with big visions—freedom, money, control. You name it.


But then the dog catches the car.


You get clients, start making some money, and quickly realize something that all the “one-person business” gurus failed to tell you: “Solo” has a price tag, and it's not just in dollars.


What if I told you that the very thing that promises freedom could end up being your cage? That every new client and every sale can bring you closer to burnout?


Because you’re hustling to find clients. Then hustling to deliver what you sold. So your hustle to find clients comes to a halt. And when you’re done with clients you have to start all over again.


Not to mention, if you aren’t working, you aren’t making money.


So, on the one hand, you’re your own boss, potentially making decent money, and have some independence.


But you’ve built a job. And like the jobs you left to go solo, it’s exhausting.


I hit this wall and have talked to countless other solopreneurs who have as well.


At this point, it’s likely time to identify another source of leverage. One that allows you to start buying back your time and really delivers on the initial vision you had of freedom when you started this damn thing.


In my latest YouTube video I share more about my experience hitting that wall and what I did to bust through it.


Watch full video

P.S. - Wanna take it on the road? Tune in on Repeatable Revenue Podcast here.


RR#075 Add A Zero To Your Service Business


RR#073 You’re Better Than “On The Job Training”