RR#076 Don't Be a Founder Who Regrets Their Choices

Jeff Bezos famously said, “Be proud of your choices, not your gifts.”


This quote stuck with me for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is a deeply seated belief of mine that, as people, we are a reflection of our choices.


I believe that’s true of every founder’s business, too.


Because of my choice to help founders launch and scale their business as a service, I have the privilege of working with hundreds of founders every year as they work to grow their business.


And I get the opportunity to work with founders facing tough choices every day.


  • Which service should I offer?

  • Which market should I sell it to?

  • Should I take on a partner or not?

  • What’s the best business model for me?

  • What are the best growth strategies for us?


The choices you make as a founder determine whether your business will succeed, or fail. Flounder or flourish.


And those choices profoundly impact you as a founder. Because the choices you make for your business will influence your lifestyle, schedule, finances, relationships… and overall well being and happiness in life.


The question is, are you making choices in your business today that will give you what you want in life tomorrow?


Or, are you building a treadmill that keeps you chained to the desk, exerting a shitload of energy without making any meaningful progress on the things that matter most?


Sadly, I see this all the time.


Poor choices early in the process that lead to predictably bad businesses later.


Which leads to frustration, overwhelm, burnout, and disappointment of founders.


What's worse is the abundance of advice out there that encourages founders to make these poor choices. And not because these advisors want shitty outcomes for their clients. It’s just that they don’t know any other way.


A couple weeks ago my content director shared one such piece of advice he saw on social media.


He figured it would trigger me to create some content.


It did.


Want to see the advice for consultants that compelled me to respond?


You can see it here, along with why I think it’s bad advice for consultants and what you can do instead.

Watch full video. 

P.S. - Wanna take it on the road? Tune in on Repeatable Revenue Podcast here.


RR#077 Why You Feel Busy but Unproductive—And How to Fix It


RR#075 Add A Zero To Your Service Business